Summary of ITB spectra of RS Oph 2021
ATel#14909: "Intermediate resolution spectroscopic follow-up observation around H-alpha of the 2021 outburst of the recurrent nova RS Ophh
Optional figures and Tables
Fig 1. Time series spectra of RS Oph around Hα (UT - Angstroms).
Fig 2. Time series spectra of RS Oph around Hα (tobs - Angstroms).
Fig 3. Time series spectra of RS Oph around Hα (tobs - velocity).
Fig 4. The temporal evolution of expansion velocity measured from the FWHMs of the broad component in Hα emission.
Fig 5. The radial velocity of blue-shifted absroption minima in the P-Cigyni profile at Hα.
Figure 6. The low resolution spectrum observed at ITERA Astronomical Observatory on 2021 Aug 16.746 UT.
Table 1. Center wavelengths of Hα emission.
Table 2. Expansion velocities measured from FWHMs and P-Cygni profiles at Hα.